Forte High-Back

Products / Stadiums & Arena Seating / Forte SERIES

Continuing on not only the comfort and ergonomic support of the Forte Series, the Forte High Back comes with the same flexibility venue managers require with our patented beam technology.

The Forte High Back features a 1070mm ergonomic back rest backrest height allowing for a more comfortable seating position, as well as a height compliant chair with riser barrier regulations.

• 1070mm [42 1/8″] ergonomic back height (See Forte high-back for 920mm [36 1/4″]version)

• Fully enclosed pivot mechanism factory assembled, safe and maintenance free

• Beam mounted seat for fast installation and repositioning flexibility

• Hard shell back outer with upholstered and replaceable seat and back pads

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Features & Dimensions


  • 1070mm [42 1/8"] ergonomic back height
  • VIP/premium and club seating
  • Fully enclosed pivot mechanism
  • Beam mounted seat
  • Hard shell back outer


The Forte Series comes with beam mounting as standard. X

  • Beam mounted seat for fast installation, repositioned seat centres and replacement
  • Easily replaced seat and back pads
  • Retrofittable arms and cups
  • Snap in seat numbers

STANDARD Dimensions

Seat Centre (minimum)
510mm [20 1/8”]
Maximum Envelope
635mm [24 7/8”]
Seat Height
450mm [17 5/8”]
Back Height
1070mm [42 1/8”]

CAD Dimensions

With Arm and Cup (Metric)
With Arm and Cup (Imperial)
With Arm and Cup (Metric)
With Arm and Cup (Imperial)

Material & fabric Options

Material and fabric options vary depending on project requirements. Customer can specify their own colours, fabrics and finishes which will be subject to testing and warranty alterations.

Faux Leather/Vinyl (Outdoor)

Admiral (C O)

Beige (C O)

Buff (C O)

Canary (C O)

Chrimson (C O)

Coal (C O)

Dark Blue (C O)

Granite (C O)

Mayan (C O)

Peridot (C O)

Stone (C O)

Tanzanite (C O)

Optional Accessories

Forte Arm (Cup Holder)

Forte Arm (Dome Resin)

Forte Arm (Filagree)

Forte Cup Holder (Rear Mount)

Forte Embossed Logo

Forte Embroided Logo

Purse Hook (Forte)


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Major Project Installations

12,500 Seats

ICC Sydney

12,500 Seats
9,000 Seats

ICC Sydney Theatre

9,000 Seats